I received a call from my Heart Transplant RN Coordinator this afternoon. She presented my case (history, recent test results, etc) to the Heart Transplant Selection Committee earlier today. Their decision is - I am accepted into the Heart Transplant Program but not quite "bad enough" to be on the heart transplant list. That is excellent news!
At this time, the right side of my heart is still in fairly good shape, and functioning within an acceptable index measurement. All of the other tests I had last week showed good enough results to be accepted into the Heart Transplant Program. I will still be a patient with the transplant team, and followed by them on a regular basis. In the in-between time, my regular cardiologist will be my primary source to control my meds and keep me stable.
It does not mean my cardiomyopathy went away. This kind of disease only gets worse as time passes. The left side of my heart is functioning well below acceptable levels. It does mean that I am currently stable enough on meds. Once I can no longer be controlled with meds, I will be listed.
So, I have been accepted and not listed. That's the best of all outcomes!
This closes a chapter in my 3rd Second Chance blog posts. :) WOOOOOOOOOT!!!